Reset the MariaDB Root Password
A Word on Over Selling
In hosting business the biggest issue that customers face is overselling the resource by hosting providers. It is surprising that although this act is unethetical and bad for the reputation of the provider, it is one of most common acts provider do. The main issue here is how can the customer detect the over selling […]
Initial VNC Configuration in Desktop VPS
As you noticed we started to offer Linux Desktop VPS to bridge the gap between usual Windows users who want to start using linux but dont have enough skills yet to run it completely from command line. To test with Desktop Linux you have to choose a Desktop Linux operating system when you order your […]
Types of Virtualization
There are 2 types of virtualization strategies and most virtualization technologies either fit one of the 2 category or mixed between them. The main virtualization strategies are : 1- Full Virtualization (Emulation): which means the gues OS (VPS) does not have any direct access to the hardware and instead of that it will access a […]
What is a VPS
VPS is an abbreviation of Virtual Private Server which practically means a server that looks and behave exactly as any dedicated server while in reality it shares the server hardware with other Virtual private servers. Usually a VPS as referred to as VDS which in turn is an abbreviation of “Virtual Dedicated Server”. Also a […]