What is Nextcloud?

Nextcloud is the most deployed self-hosted file share and collaboration platform on the web. You can access & collaborate across your devices.It has features that are comparable to other services such as Dropbox.


Our Recommended Template : Ubuntu 18.04

In this tutorial we will be installing nextcloud, using docker compose which consists of Nextcloud and MariDb containers.

Step 1:

Go to the URL and search for

Step 2:

Search for term: ‘Base version – apache’ and copy the code block.

Step 3:

Login to your portainer from the web browser and Select “ Stacks”

Step 4:

Click Add Stack

Step 5 :

Enter your preferred name for the Stack and paste the Code block you copied in “Step 2”

Enter your Mysql root password and Database password in the code block

Step 6:

Click deploy stack

Step 7:

Once it is deployed, Click on Containers, Now you can see two containers (Nextcloud and MariaDB) running.

Step 8: Accessing and Configuring Nextcloud

You can now access Nextcloud by accessing the port 8080 on the server where Portainer is running.


Enter the below details to Configure nextcloud for the first time

Create an admin account

  • Nextcloud Username
  • Nextcloud Password

Data Folder

  • Your Nextcloud data folder

Configure the database

Click on MySQL/MariaDB and enter your database details 

  • Database username
  • Database password
  • Database name
  • Host name

Click “Finish Setup”

Voila! Your Nextcloud setup in complete 🙂