Putty Passwordless Login

Step-1: Download Putty Key-gen:

Download Putty Key-gen to generate Private and public key

The following link will be used to download putty key-generator


Step-2: Save Generated Private key file:

After you have generated key there have a option for save private key just click it and save in your local storage

Step-3: Create a .ssh Folder:

Take your server SSH and create a .ssh folder by using following command

mkdir .ssh

Step-4: Create authorized_keys file and paste public key:

In your .ssh Folder please create authorized_keys file paste public key. which one you generated key

vi authorized_keys

when you paste a public key in authorized_keys file. please note that befor you need to paste just enter following code ssh-rsa

ssh-rsa  “public key”

If you want to check authorized_keys file not have any extra spaces please try following command

cat -vet authorized_keys

Step-5: Change permissions of .ssh folder and authorized_keys file:

chmod 600 authorized_keys

chmod 700 .ssh

Step-6: Putty Changes: